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Viet Nhat Clinic conducts health checks at the beginning of the school year for university students in Hanoi
Updated 09/28/2022 16:38

At the beginning of the new school year 2022 - 2023, Viet Nhat General Clinic together with a system of examination vehicles equipped with modern and advanced machinery, a team of qualified and experienced medical doctors and nurses organized the examination. and granted health certificates to nearly 10,000 students of universities in Hanoi.

On September 24, the University of Transportation Technology in collaboration with Viet Nhat General Clinic organized a health check at the beginning of the school year for more than 3,000 K72 students. The health check at the beginning of the school year is to help students understand their health status, thereby giving themselves a balanced schedule between studying, resting, and entertaining. At the same time, it also helps detect risks and diseases early so that they can take effect and timely treatment.

Then, from September 27 to October 1, Viet Nhat General Clinic cooperated with the Board of Directors of Hanoi University of Business and Technology to organize a health checkup program for more than 6,000 fresh-man students from K27 classes.

Checklists in the health examination program at the beginning of the school year for students - university students include: weighing, height measurement, measuring blood pressure, taking samples for testing (blood count, kidney function test, etc.) ) and specialized examination: Eye, Ear - Nose - Throat, Teeth - Jaw - Face, General internal examination. Especially with the mobile examination car system, the examination lists include chest X-rays, and ultrasound is also performed on-site by Viet Nhat General Clinic, helping to reduce travel time and costs for students.

Health check at the beginning of the school year for students is an activity implemented by the School Board of Directors based on the Circular No. 10/2016/TT-BGDĐT of the Ministry of Education and Training at the beginning of the course and periodic health examination during the study period according to the regulations of the educational institution and the Circular No. 14/2013/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health on applicable regulations to the subjects of medical examination when entering universities, colleges, and professional schools.

As an important program in the school's operation plan, therefore, the selection of a reputable medical examination and treatment unit to accompany and organize the examination package for students is very appreciated by the Board of Directors, the Public Affairs Department, and the Board of Directors. Student collaborators and Health Stations of the schools are interested and focused.

Viet Nhat General Clinic is one of the medical examination and treatment units in Hanoi that is qualified in terms of facilities and expertise to examine and treat people's health. In particular,  the mobile health examination service is one of the outstanding strengths of the unit. With the largest number of 20 existing mobile examination vehicles in Vietnam, which can meet up to 2,000 visits per day, the visits of Viet Nhat General Clinic have reached more than 200 customers, who are businesses and schools in all 63 provinces of Vietnam.

The medical examination at the beginning of the course for students is the basis for the University to develop study plans and organize cultural, artistic, and physical activities suitable to their health conditions. This is an opportunity for the university medical team to have practical knowledge while exchanging expertise with experienced specialists at Viet Nhat General Clinic, helping to gain more experience to apply in the initial medical examination and treatment of the students during their studying years.

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