During the treatment of COVID-19 patients, when the patient presents with fever, accompanied by respiratory rate > 30 breaths/minute, severe dyspnea, or blood oxygen index (SpO2) below the threshold of 93%, the patient will be used low-flow oxygen (approximately 1-4 L/min).
If the patient's condition does not improve after that (blood oxygen index SpO2 still falls below 92%), HFNC or CPAP, BiPAP ventilators will be used to increase pressure support breath. (1)
HFNC with high flow rates up to 60 L/min, has been shown by many resuscitation units and studies to be beneficial in the treatment of COVID patients. -19, helping to reduce the severity of the disease.
We could mention to some advantages of HFNC:
NKV-550 High Function Ventilator and NKV-330 Specialized Non-Invasive Ventilator are one of the few ventilator in the world that have built-in this HFNC feature, helping to treat COVID-19 patients flexibly, from mild to critical without having to switch back and forth too many devices, effectively supporting medical staff.
(1) According to Decision 3416/QD-BYT dated July 14, 2021 on the treatment of COVID-19 patients.