Supria 128
- Manufacturer: Fujifilm (Japan)
- The software has a function of processing raw data and image data iterations to reduce the beam dose and enhance the image quality (Intelli IP). The system provides 7 different levels of noise reduction to suit each examination need (Intelli IP (Advanced/Quick))
- The software/function reduces image noise attributable to metals (HiMAR (Metal Artifact Reduction)
- The function clearly distinguishes bones and vessels, using multiple images to extract continuous areas in three-dimensional space based on specified coordinate points, based on different indicators (Segmentation)
- Hyper-Q-net Workstation Software: Specialized software provided by the manufacturer: Image data is stored on both control computer and workstation computer. These images can be utilized independently of each other except for transferring images. It enables display and processing of images on workstation computer as on control computer
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