APERTO Lucent 0.4T
- Manufacturer: Fujifilm (Japan)
- Magnetic force: 0.4 Tesla
- Gradient magnitude: 25 mT/m
- Gradient intensity: 55 T/m/s
- Six standard coils to meet examination needs
- Flexible imaging table system, capable of going up and down with a minimum height of less than 50 cm
- RADAR software eliminates patient movement noise, detects obscured injuries due to noise, limiting the recapture to the patient
- VASC ASL imaging software package without injecting magnetic drugs
- Auto Pose cranial slice automatic positioning software reduces the operation for technician and shorten the imaging time, useful for pediatric patients
- BASG software captures spine, muscles, bones and joints at high resolution
- Fast STIR/Fast IR/FLAIR Program Kit: Applies to pulse sequences susceptible to magnetic fields
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